Then.. here we go..
You'll find different recipe and taste of roasted chicken, I promise you ! Just by me ! with the easy ingredients of course.. it's not so easy to find all the spices here, except in Asia toko, but I was lazy going there.
The ingredients (only for 1 person):
150 gram of chicken
1 egg
Spices for the chicken:
1/5 tea spoon of bay leaf powder
1/5 tea spoon of sereh powder
half beads of kemiri
1/5 tea spoon of jahe powder
1/5 teaspoon of ketumbar powder
3/4 teaspoon of pepper powder
1 teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
1,5 beads of garlic
2 beads of red onion
1/5 teaspoon of oyster sauce
1/3 teaspoon of terasi bubuk
1/5 teaspoon of jintan
Margarine for sauting the spice
Oil for making the sambal
Spices for Sambel
100 ml of geconcentrated tomatoes
3 little chilies
1 big chili
1 teaspoon of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of terasi bubuk
1/2 teaspoon of pepper powder
20 gram0f broccoli
1 stick of carrot
10 gram of kol ( i dont know what kol called in English? it is kol in Dutch and Indonesian languange)
How to cook
Boil the egg until it becomes hard
Boil the cutted vegetables, except for the kol, I prefer eat it unboiled, for approximately 5 minutes.
Boil the chicken for approximately 15 minutes
meaning while, saute all the spices for the chicken.
Little by little, while boiling the chicken, take water from the boiling of chicken into the soften spice until it spreads nice aroma and at the end, pour all the water for boiling chicken into the soften spice along with the chicken.
Put the the peeled egg within into the sauted spice as well
Let the soften spice on the medium to small fire until it becomes condensed and seeped into the chicken and egg
When the spice become condensed enough, put the chicken and egg with coated spices into the plate for roasting. Put the remain spices within as well. Roast at 200 degrees celcius for approximately 30 minutes
Meaning while, the sambal has to be prepared.
Cut the little and big chilies into little pieces
fried with the oil on the pan with medium fire stove.
Put pepper, terasi, salt and sugar into the pan.
Stir evenly
Put the concentrated tomato within as well and stir evenly.
Dab a little part of sambal into the in roasting process chicken and egg.
Wait until the chicken and egg becomes a bit brown.
And here is the picture of roasted hot chicken by nisa
It looks like the vegetables were more than the roasted chicken and egg itself :D
yeahh,,, because one day before I made it, I got constipation so I thought that I had to consume more vegetables than before :D
Just try my unique and unordinary recipe !!
yum :) post menu vegetarian, dong, soalnya aku vegetarian, hihihihi :)