Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Finally I can use Corel Draw although still amateur

I was little bit mad to blogger. My last post about my travel to Prague was posted messily. The coding was appeared as the fonts. Huh.. In fact, some visitors have seen that post. And I thought they were thinking that how stupid I was. Let my post appeared not correctly. Huh, I did not have time to correct that post. My great purpose was looking for the boy who took me picture. So, I did not care about that mess. The core was my picture has been shown and through that, I hoped the boy will remember me.. Huhu.;..

*singing* who's that boy..?? nanananananana..

, I was busy on my water management project. But it was almost done. I worked hard on my article and the point that I was so scared about " designing with Corel Draw ". But finally I got it !! It was like "fiuhhhh" so relief... It was true what old people said. The way to remove your fear about something, or your dissability to do something is just by doing that thing !! And I found that Corel Draw was fun actually. I designed my new idea about agriwater tourism plan in Sand Meuse Riverside area at Venlo to increase the value of horticulture and the land for it, but concurrent with increase the urban design and leisure place due to Venlo lacks of good image about tourism. ANyway, this is my design,...
But I have not finished compeletely the poster because I'm still lazy writing the reference :p. I will show you soon :)

still not too good.. But not too bad for one day learning, no? hikhikhik..

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