I dunno, I feel like this week has a lot of bad things happen..
my allergic,
my disgusting allergic on whole of my body !!
the internet was error for 4 days after I recovered from my allergic and pain from tooth removal!
my heart was broken again !
20 euro was flown out uselessly, damn it !
The bad things came and went alternately.. apparently to test my patience !!!
ahh.. maybe there's wisdom behind it all,,
I am looking for job now, by the way ! And its not easy at all, because my dutch language is still baddd...
Oh, btw, it is the photos I got from a journey on Sunday afternoon until Monday morning to see World Cup final in Amsterdam ! When I arrived at Museumplein Ams, I regreted a bit. Yeah, I could not see anything there but people with Oranje clothes ! I even could not see the match on the big screen because I was too short !!!!!! There were some men offered me favor so I could see the big screen by being picked up on their shoulders, but uhm,. no... furthermore,
they apparently hungover :s. It was better when I was in Schippol in the initial duration of the match. When I was waiting for the bus to Amsterdam. i could see the whole screen without any barrier :D Like a VIP watcher.Two initial pictures were taken on Schippol.. it was still not too crowded because the match had not been started yet.. And I was still waiting for the bus to Amsterdam..
And the following were taken on Amsterdam !!! @museumplein. I have a lot of photos still,, but lazy to upload them :D The stuoid things are, the day after that, the Oranje team was also there after they came back from Africa. But I was not there :(
And see this unqualified video :D :D I could not record anything but the high giants of Oranje :P
Alergi apa ituuu mbak ???
BalasHapusngeriiiii >.<
get well soon
g tau ru.. ak sampe sekarang juga g tau penyebabnya. abis diminumin obat langsung sembuh kok besoknya :D
BalasHapussehari sebelum nonton final WC :D
makasi makasi :D
waduh nis... ky aq aj pnyakit kulit... tp bkn aleri... klo aq kna CMV... tp bngkak + merah2... dh sbulan lbih blm smbuh2 jg...
BalasHapusadit : wih apa itu CMV? duh jangan sampe lah aku.. itu aku cuma alergi tapi g tau alergi apa.... cuma 2 hari setelah minum obat langsung sembuh. hehe.